Critical Thinking and Writing for Postgraduate Students

Scientific writing made easy - A step-by-step guide to undergraduate writing in the biological sciences Essential elements for high-impact scientific writing

REQUI~1 Writing a model research paper - A roadmap

The art of writing scienceScientific writing made easy - A step-by-step guide to undergraduate writing in the biological sciences

How to respond to reviewer comments - the CALM way How to get your research published…and then noticed

An overview of scientific and scholarly journal publishing

Required reading_ How to publish a scientific manuscript in a high-impact journal

Writing an effective title Navigating open science as early career feminist researchers

Required reading  WASP - Write a Scientific Paper_The use of bibliographic management software

Students dread the “P” word - Is Turnitin good for plagiarism detection and feedback

Citing sources - Organizing academic research papers

REQUI~1 Using thematic analysis in psychology

Thematic analysis of qualitative data - AMEE Guide No. 131

Exploring parental perceptions about school travel and walking school buses - A thematic analysis approach

Conducting thematic analysis with qualitative data A hybrid approach to thematic analysis in qualitative research - Using a practical example

The 21st Century Metropolis - New Geographies of Theory Slumdog cities - rethinking subaltern urbanism

Improving the visibility and description of theory in qualitative research - The QUANTUM typology

Chowdhury 2021. The social life of transport infrastructures - masculinities and everyday mobilities in Kolkata

Required reading_ The congested city and situated social inequality - Making sense of urban (im)mobilities in Lagos, Nigeria

Understanding, selecting and integrating a theoretical framework in dissertation research - Creating the blueprint for your house

Translational global praxis - rethinking methods and modes of African urban research

The central role of theory in qualitative research

Required reading_ Informality-sustainable city nexus - The place of informality in advancing sustainable Ghanaian cities

Learning through writing - Teaching critical thinking skills in writing assignments

Critiquing research articles Critical thinking - An introduction

Can thinking be taught_Linking critical thinking and writing in an EFL context

Essential elements for high-impact scientific writing

REQUI~1 Writing a model research paper - A roadmap The art of writing science

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Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons
  • 29 Topics
  • 6 Quizzes