About Us

Who We Are?

The Postgraduate Writing Hub (PGWH) is a network of researchers and academic mentors united in pursuit of the overarching goal of building world-class scientific research skills among students enrolled in African universities. We represent a broad array of academic disciplines, mainly in the qualitative and quantitative social sciences. Whether you are at the start of your PhD journey or farther along in your academic career, there is something for you at the Hub. Welcome!

Cheerful colleagues sitting at library and communicating. Two joyful students working together. Education concept

What We Do

PGWH provides targeted training and support in response to specific skill gaps identified among students working toward their doctorate degrees. Our first offering, an online short course aimed at helping PhD students based in African universities develop the critical thinking and writing skills they require to effectively analyse and communicate their research findings, debuted in 2022 and was delivered to four successive cohorts in the ensuing two-year period. The course was originally intended for students working in the areas of urban transport and mobility; however, it has since expanded to encompass other specialisations in the broad field of urban studies.

What We Do

PGWH’s operations are supported by grants and voluntary contributions of time by experienced researchers. Since its inception in 2022, our flagship “Critical Thinking and Writing Skills” course has been generously funded by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations through its “Mobility and Access in African Cities” programme. In 2024, VREF provided funding to help transition the course from its original real-time lecture format to the on-demand format made available on this website. Administrative support has been provided by the University of Ibadan and the University of Lagos.


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